At GRIT Hockey, we believe that hockey is a reflection of life itself. Our mission is to train athletes - and yes, we capitalize "Athlete" for a reason. We don't just teach people how to play hockey; we nurture them into becoming Complete Athletes.

A Complete Athlete not only hones their physical skills but also cultivates the mental strength needed for success both on and off the ice.
Our approach , laid out below, is a massive undertaking, but we're here to guide any hockey player on their journey towards mastery and achievement - the right way. We believe in building both body and mind to help you achieve the results you desire.

However, we understand the importance of balance. Overindulgence in training can lead to burnout and rob the joy from the game you love. That's why we remind you always to enjoy the process and the game itself. Our tools are meant to elevate your skills and enrich your experience of the greatest game on earth.

So, join us at GRIT Hockey and embark on the path to becoming a Complete Athlete. Together, we'll unlock your potential, so you can thrive both in hockey and in life. Let's make your dreams a reality on the ice, all while savoring every moment of the journey!




It all begins with awareness - understanding the intricacies of each skill required in the game. Before you dive into practice, we ensure you comprehend every component crucial to successful execution. This mental grasp sets the foundation for your growth.


Once aware, you take control. Progressing steadily, you navigate the physical and mental aspects of the skill, honing your abilities through disciplined practice. Embracing the learning curve, you persistently work through mistakes, perfecting your technique along the way.


With dedicated effort, your hard work pays off. The skill now becomes second nature as you confidently execute it consistently and reliably. You have achieved competence - a milestone that marks the birth of a new skill.


Your journey culminates in performance - the pinnacle of your growth. With newfound competence, you shine on the ice, bringing your best to the game and leading your team to victory. Playing at your peak, you savor the joy of hockey at its finest.


We believe in the principle of constant improvement. Even the best athletes can refine their competence. Pursuing perfection, we challenge you to elevate your skills with each practice, striving for mastery and reaching new heights in every game.

At GRIT Hockey, we understand that fundamentals are the lifeblood of hockey. Success comes from doing things correctly, precisely, and timely. The best in the sport are masters of these skills, continuously honing and perfecting them. It's through this mastery that you'll unlock the ability to perform at an extraordinary level during gameplay.

Join us to embark on this journey of transformation and embrace the path to Mastery in Hockey. Let the world witness your prowess as you dominate the game with your newfound mastery of fundamentals. Success awaits those who dare to chase greatness!


the key to unlocking your true potential on the ice! At [Your Company Name], we understand that the path to becoming a Complete Athlete is built on mastering four fundamental skills that form the bedrock of the game.

  1. SKATING - The Foundation: Skating is the cornerstone of hockey excellence. Every other skill is built upon excellent skating abilities. We believe that if you can skate, you can learn anything. Our focus begins here, ensuring your overall skating prowess is unparalleled. Improved skating positively impacts all other skills, making it the most critical aspect of a player's game.

  2. PUCK SKILLS - Mastering Control: From passing and shooting to deking and everything in between, puck skills are the essence of putting the puck in the opponent's net. Our training hones your ability to receive, distribute, protect, evade, and shoot the puck effortlessly, even in challenging situations. With a mastery of body position, hand control, and speed, you'll confidently execute any move at a moment's notice.

  3. PHYSICALITY - Embracing the Battle: Hockey demands a fearless approach. Embrace the challenges and win with physicality. Competing successfully means using your body effectively to gain a position of advantage. This entails delivering body checks, strategically taking angles to defeat opponents' strengths, and protecting yourself and the puck before making game-changing plays. Skating and puck skills set the stage, but it's physicality that empowers you to enforce your will on the ice.

  4. VISION - Elevating the Game: Now, the fusion of your abilities comes to life - welcome to the realm of vision. Here, all the foundational skills allow you to play the game at your fullest potential. Your hockey sense sharpens, enabling you to see the game unfold with unparalleled clarity. You not only possess the skills to make big plays, but you also have the vision to identify the best play and the confidence to execute it flawlessly, leading your team to victory.

At GRIT Hockey, we believe that mastering the Hockey Pyramid empowers you to become a Complete Athlete, ready to conquer every challenge on the ice. Join us now, and let's elevate your game to new heights of excellence, one fundamental skill at a time! Success awaits those who are determined to embrace the journey of hockey greatness.


By an Athlete doing the hard & meaningful work of the Skills Pathway in the different components of the Hockey Pyramid, they have made themselves more ready than ever to PERFORM to their best in the biggest moments of the game.

This is the whole pursuit we have been on - To be in the right place, at the right time, and make the right play - and to have achieved success as a result of all our work and awareness, and enjoy the experience of playing great hockey!

Go play the best hockey of your life!
- Coach Phil